If you love local food and local jobs make your voice heard.
On December 14th @ 6pm the Reno City Council will vote on a Planning Commission recommendation to zone 104 acres of the Main Station Farm for light industrial use making the land accessible for development. Should the Council vote yes, this will open the door to the parceling off and destruction of this valuable piece of urban agricultural land and northern Nevada's agricultural infrastructure.
Though UNR and the Reno City Council are correct when they say the zoning decision to be addressed at the December 14th meeting will not close Wolf Pack Meats, what it really means is it won't close it right now. This will be the first parcel to be paved over and other development initiatives will follow. As development encroaches, opposition to the close proximity of a slaughter facility will surely result in the closure. This has happened to agricultural land everywhere. In the US we pave over 1 acre of prime farmland every minute.
Wolf Pack Meats is the only USDA meat facility in northern Nevada and access to it keeps production costs lower so local ranchers can make their product available to us at a reasonable price. Processing the meat here reduces middleman and transportation fees. It ensures the animals are treated humanely from farm to table. This production circle keeps our food-based jobs in Nevada. Read more or sign the petion now to oppose this proposal.
Dec 5, 2011
Nov 22, 2011
Subscription Farming Workshop on December 17, 2011
Last night the Local Food Network held one of their periodic strategic planning meetings at the River School. At this meeting interested people (30 of us) identified local food economy trends and needs. Then we determined which aspects are really important and need advocacy. One of the messages we heard from new young farmers is the need for education and training on the business end of farming and how farming works in a high-desert environment. In this regard, Western Nevada College fills a valuable role with educational opportunities for future farmers. Here's the latest, from my mailbox to you.
Western Nevada College Offers
Subscription Farming Workshop
Subscription services are not limited to magazines and newspapers anymore. Farmers have discovered the popularity of offering weekly subscriptions to consumers for local, seasonal produce.
Area growers can learn more about this trend at an upcoming Western Nevada College Specialty Crop Institute workshop. “Subscription Farming for the Small Farm” meets Saturday, Dec. 17, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., at WNC Fallon campus, 160 Campus Way. Cost is $35 for registrations by December 9 and $45 afterward. Lunch is included.
Jun 2, 2011
Good for us! Florida's Ag-gag bill fails
Here's a good-news-update on the Take a Farm Picture -- Go to Jail post. The bill that would have made it illegal to take pictures of agricultural facilities in Florida did not pass. Minnesota and Iowa still have bills on the table though, and Monsanto is pushing hard for passage in Iowa.
Read a bit about this development here.
When Slow Food USA called on farm-lovers to become farmarzzi and take pictures of local farms in response to these bills, we went straight to Girl Farm with one of our favorite families and took these shots. We didn't even get frisked!
May 6, 2011
Take a farm picture and go to jail -- Big Ag has plans for us
Imagine you’re a person who cares about people and animals so you take pictures of abuse and negligence. Then you share them with others who care. Then you’re arrested, pay fines, and possibly spend some time in jail. This is what Big Ag has planned in Florida, Iowa, and Minnesota.
Apr 30, 2011
Kids and gardens at Urban Roots Garden Classrooms Summer Camp 2011

Master Gardener 2011 annual plant sale

This is a great way to buy garden plants suited to our region, grown by experienced gardeners you might even know. Here are some details:
When: Saturday May 21st at 7:30 – 11:00a. Come early because everyone else does. Michael Janik reports the line was 60 people long 30 minutes prior to opening last year.
Where: 4955 Energy Way. The UNR Cooperative Extension moved to a new location this year.
Prices and plants: Flowers and veggies in 4 inch pots for $1.50; ½ gallon shrubs, grape vines, and flowers, prices vary but they’re still low.
We’re not kidding….come early! Bring a thermos of coffee or tea and be prepared to stand and chat for a while. The line looks daunting but the people are really nice and the early shopper really does get the tomato plant (Michael Janik said this first…I’m copying him!). A couple of tips – bring something to carry your plants in while you browse, and a checkbook or cash.
Apr 19, 2011
Are you a backyard farmer? Hungry Mother Organics wants to know!
More and more people are growing their own food. Some are growing lettuce and tomatoes in containers on their apartment patio, and others are buying acreage and growing for their communities. It's hard to know how many of us are out there but Hungry Mother Organics is trying to find out how many backyard farmers are active in northern Nevada. If you want to get on the map, go to 1000 Backyard Farms and sign up.
Feb 1, 2011
This event is a great opportunity to meet the people who make local food go in Nevada. It was hoppin' the first year I attended and has been getting better each year.
From my mailbox to you:
Join us for the 2011 Nevada Small Farm Conference!
Friday & Saturday, March 11-12 • Fallon
$75 Early Bird • $95 after Feb 24 (both days include lunch)
SATURDAY only (Community Education Day) • $40 (includes lunch)
THURSDAY Pre-Conference Workshops • $25 • $30 after Feb. 24
FRIDAY Evening Reception •$30 • $35 after Feb 24
From bees to beef - there's something for everyone at this conference!
Additional information at http://www.wnc.edu/sci
Exhibitor and sponsorship information is available at www.wnc.edu/sci , or call Ann
Louhela, 775-351-2551.
Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food!
From my mailbox to you:
Join us for the 2011 Nevada Small Farm Conference!
Friday & Saturday, March 11-12 • Fallon
$75 Early Bird • $95 after Feb 24 (both days include lunch)
SATURDAY only (Community Education Day) • $40 (includes lunch)
THURSDAY Pre-Conference Workshops • $25 • $30 after Feb. 24
FRIDAY Evening Reception •$30 • $35 after Feb 24
From bees to beef - there's something for everyone at this conference!
Additional information at http://www.wnc.edu/sci
Exhibitor and sponsorship information is available at www.wnc.edu/sci , or call Ann
Louhela, 775-351-2551.
Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food!
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