If you visit the Saturday farmers market on California street you've seen or met Gary. He's the guy with the organic greens, carrots, and drink mixes. This event info is on the calendar but I thought I'd get it out on a post because this type of event is what Slow Food is really all about. Knowing the people who grow your food, eating, talking, and enjoying who and what is at your table.
The first event will be open to Slow Food members and their guests (join Slow Food now and then join us for the first dinner!), and future events will be for everyone.
The member event is on Sunday, June 1st from 4pm to ? at Sierra Valley Farms. Farm tour from 4:00 - 5:00; 3 Course meal served family style, using all produce from the farm; live music.
The other events, open to everyone, cost $70 + tax and tip; BYOB; and will happen on:
Saturday May 31st at 4pm
Sunday July 13th at 4pm
Sunday September 21st at 4pm
Please call Moody's to reserve: Moody's Bistro & Lounge 530-587-5911.
Directions from Truckee :(About 45 minutes)
Take Hwy 89 North to Sierraville. At the only Stop sign turn left on 89, go 4 miles until you see Beckwourth/Portola A23 sign turn right (at the Sattley Cash Store) proceed 14 miles to Sierra Valley Farms on your right. Gary & Kim Romano: 530-832-0114. www.sierravalleyfarms.com
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