This is a consumer based blog...when I first started it the intent was to create an online presence so that anyone living in the Reno/Sparks area looking to purchase local food could find a resource using a keyword search. But it is getting difficult for me to keep the consumer needs separate from the need to help build the necessary infrastructure. So I'm feeling inclined to put community info here, as well as family activity and consumer.
Learning about and eating local food, combined with a tendency to ignore my fear-based impulses and an interest in working with groups to make things happen has naturally led me to local food advocacy. Right now there is a lot of national energy geared towards serious change and that energy exists in Nevada, too. So I'm taking this opportunity to get involved.
My friend Leslie and I have a lot of things in common; really great/supportive husbands and local-food-love are among them. We're doing a live interview with KUNR...we'd love it you'd listen in to hear what the local food movement is up to...and tell your friends and family!
Media blurb:
"Local Food in Nevada -- Consumers and family farmers everywhere are making locally grown food a reality and it is happening in Nevada, too. Join Shelley Brant and Leslie Allen from the Local Food Network for a conversation with Dan Erwine about what it is like to eat locally in Nevada, why it is important, and how you can bring farm fresh, locally grown food to your family table. Call ins welcome!
Friday, December 19th, 9am to 10am with Dan Erwine on Nevada Newsline, KUNR.
Streamlining at KUNR.ORG or listen in at 88.7"
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