Mar 4, 2009

Great Basin Basket CSA 2009 signup

From my mailbox to you:

"Hello everyone!

The 2009 Basket season is approaching and we are excited about this
year. We are rolling up our sleeves and getting ready to dive into an
exciting season. Hoop houses are being planted already and you can see
tender young plants already popping up through the soil in long squiggly

We don't really have any idea on how much to plant for this year
because we have no idea how many of you have been affected by the economic
times. The farmers are also keeping a very tight budget. So if you plan to
join us this year, you can be a tremendous help by letting us know as soon
as possible by signing up and committing to the year. We have extended our
early sign up to March 31. By paying early, you can receive the early
discount. If you cannot pay up front, we are just asking for the $40 fee
which tells us you are committed for the season you have chosen. Letting us
know now allows the farmers to make more efficient and responsible
decisions when it comes to ordering irrigation supplies, seeds, transplants
and even doing field work. You can get a copy of the registration form

Our thoughts go out to everyone losing a job or having hours or pay
reduced. We feel for you and are sensitive to your situation. Your farmers
have family members who have lost jobs and we understand these trying
times. Some of you, our dedicated partners, may not be able to afford the
basket this year. Some may want to give us a try but can't quite swing it.
Thank you for considering us, and check out the specials listed on our
website. They are available to everyone who visits us there. Feel free to
access our newsletters and recipes. Despite all that is going on around us,
we can't wait for our new year to begin. We are ordering seeds and making
plans. Stay in touch!

Weather permitting, you can look for a heftier basket this year with a
variety of good things to eat. We are also excited to welcome some new
growers into our family of farmers. This will allow for more variety in our
basket—especially the fall basket. Coming soon on our website, you can
meet our new farmers. Stay tuned!

You will also have more opportunity to purchase excess product such as
canning tomatoes and pickling cucumbers. Speaking of canning and pickling,
we all know that education is the best tool for self reliance and
sustainability so we have scheduled more "days on the farm" and we will
offer classes to learn how to preserve food for the winter months.

We had incredible response to the end of the year survey. THANKS to
all of you who took the time. We appreciate your comments. We will make as
many of the changes as possible. Our plans will only go "according to as
planned if the Lord is willing and the creek don't rise!" You know how
farming goes in Nevada.

We thank you for your quick response and letting us know of your plans
this year. You, our partners in this journey, are the key players in this
venture. We appreciate you and sincerely thank you for your continued
support and encouragement. Watch for new information and details on our
website . We look forward to serving you this
2009 Basket season. Spring is at the door. WE CAN'T WAIT!!

Tina, Rick, and Pauline"

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