Aug 13, 2009

Want to help your friends and family better understand why local food is important? Take them to the movies!

If you read this blog you're the choir and I'm preaching. You probably already know something about industrial food and big ag, you vote with your fork and follow this blog. But we all have friends and family who don't understand why we make the special effort to buy food from people we know. Lecturing, cajoling, begging, and preaching may not influence them but a movie might.

Food, Inc. is a documentary about the ugly, scary, and yes sometimes gruesome, condition of our food system. It also has an upside and that’s the part I hope everyone walks away with.

Many people I know have seen it; some of us went to experience a visual of what we already know. Others went out of curiosity and the experience changed their food world. And frankly, others I know refuse to see it because they just don't want to know.

Food, Inc. is playing at the Riverside Theater but won't be there for much longer. Grab the people you care about and take them to the movies. Make the evening “on you” if you can, buy them dinner, do whatever you can to get them there. It'll change someone's world.

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